Meet us at Śniadanie Liderów Obsługi Klienta
Wavelengths 2024
organised by NOKIA
EMEA-LAT, April 22-24
GR, Athens, InterContinental Athenaeum
Ewa Jaśkowiak
Head of Sales at Enxoo
Marek Książek
Head of Innovate at Enxoo
Transform Your Telecom Operations: Enxoo & Nokia Solutions at Wavelengths 2024!
Realize Optical Network as a Service and automate the customer order lifecycle with Enxoo BSS, based on Salesforce <-> Nokia WaveSuite integration. Experience the seamless automation of commercial service contracting, cutting time-to-market from weeks to minutes.
Tired of grappling with telecom challenges? Join us at Wavelengths 2024 to revolutionize your operations. Visit the Enxoo booth and watch a Service Monetisation and Sales Automation demo.
Here’s what we tackle:
- Lack of IT Support for Customer Contracting: Streamline processes with our solutions.
- Manual Costing & Pricing Processes: Automate to save time and resources.
- Lack of Lead2Cash E2E Support: Speed up processes with end-to-end support.
- Reliance on Manual Operations: Minimise errors and boost efficiency.
- Stricter SLAs and Bandwidth Demands: Stay ahead of demands with our solutions.
Ready to transform your telecom operations?
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet our experts, Marek Książek i Ewa Jaśkowiak!
Umów się na spotkanie with them to dive deeper into your specific challenges and explore customised solutions. Join our presentations during this event and visit us at the Enxoo booth.
Demo Showcase
Get a sneak peek into the future of order management at our Demo Showcase! Witness how Enxoo seamlessly intertwines Salesforce Communications Cloud and Nokia WaveSuite, revolutionising quoting, ordering, and provisioning—cutting cycle time from days to minutes.
Experience the kickoff of the telecom transformation with Enxoo’s unparalleled efficiency. The full demo awaits you exclusively at our booth during the event. Don’t miss a glimpse of the future of order management.
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