APIs for Telecoms – building a foundation for long-term innovation

Network-centric businesses across the globe are adapting how they consume connectivity and transforming the way their partners interconnect and grow through APIs. Control is being placed back into their hands allowing them to create a solid foundation for faster, more agile, and friction-free networking models that no longer limit innovation. The solution to these problems is the API for Telecoms.

Legacy models for carrier interconnection are time-consuming, manual, and error-prone. Manual businesses are vulnerable to loss of control, service quality drops, as well as revenue leakages – they are not scalable in the long term! When a network API is available, partners can immediately increase the reach and depth of their services and offer their customers new capabilities.

Watch the video to find out how Enxoo customers benefit from our API-based solutions! ⬇

The challenge is that, so far, only the largest players have been able to develop and present out APIs, leaving many small but critical players locked out of the API ecosystem.

Therefore, Enxoo supports initiatives such as MEF and TMForum to level the playing field. Enxoo became the 100th signee of the API Open Manifesto which underpins our belief that creating value and delivering growth in the digital economy demands radical business transformation. Open APIs are the right direction as they provide operators with the foundation to achieve the flexibility and agility they need to quickly adapt to the changing market environment and growing customer requirements.

Enxoo has developed a comprehensive, API-centric framework that enables operator-to-operator service automation. The Salesforce®-native, fully integrated BSS/OSS solution supports zero-touch process automation, allowing operators – small and large – to rapidly quote, provision, and invoice wholesale services across their network footprint. 

The integration of such operator-to-operator processes through API-based automation creates significant benefits, including:

  • Zmniejszenie liczby zadań manualnych
  • Usługi międzyoperatorskie na żądanie
  • Przyspieszone dostarczanie usług
  • Greater operational efficiency
  • Niższe koszty operacyjne
  • Lepsze doświadczenie klientów/partnerów
  • Szybszy czas do uzyskania przychodów
  • Dodatkowe przychody z nowych zamówień

Grow your business with Enxoo

Enxoo can help you to enhance the customer experience, increase productivity and operational efficiency by offering effective solutions and support on your business transformation journey. We are a team of experts in Digital Transformation, Automation, and OSS/BSS. We can advise you on how to realize your vision, making sure all systems and processes are in the right place so you can interact with your customers and other carriers in the best possible way.