Meet us at Śniadanie Liderów Obsługi Klienta
22-23 April 2024 | Manchester Central
Ethan Lawlor
Head of Business Development UK/I
w Enxoo
Grzegorz Kubiczek
Business Architect
w Enxoo
Embark on a transformative journey with Enxoo at Connected North 2024!
Connect with us and navigate the digital frontier alongside a trusted guide. Meet our Enxoo team at Connected North and unlock the pathways to digital excellence.
Welcome to the forefront of Connected North 2024, dedicated to the digital economy of the North! This gathering unites visionaries from the telecommunications and technology sectors. Immerse yourself in an experience where innovative ideas, cutting-edge technologies, and strategic insights converge.
Join us to explore firsthand insights from our experts, Ethan Lawlor i Grzegorz Kubiczak, as they illuminate the path to enhanced digital connectivity i operational efficiency. Let Enxoo empower your journey towards digital transformation.
#ConnectedFuture #DigitalTransformation #EnxooAPIHub
Why should you attend?
Connect to your partners and enable
a unified way to do business with you
Dive into Nexera’s remarkable FTTx transformation powered by Enxoo!
📽️ Watch now as Nexera shares its story of triumph over common industry challenges. Learn how they leveraged Enxoo’s cutting-edge solutions to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and boost efficiency. Discover the secrets behind Nexera’s success and gain valuable insights for your journey.
Enxoo eGuide: Maksymalizacja ROI w FTTx
Sustainable and successful businesses of the future are the goal of every FTTx provider. How do you achieve it in such a competitive market, where customer expectations constantly change?
Dive into our eGuide that will lead you through these questions!
Nowadays automation, service orchestration, or API-based integrations, may become the new differentiators for FTTx providers to dominate the market. For this reason, the time is now for FTTx providers to step in and deploy their cutting-edge B/OSS solutions.
From our Guide you will learn about:
- FTTH Council statistics and the state of the fibre networking market
- Studiach przypadku Enxoo z firmami Upp i Nexera
- Strategiach wzrostu oparte na technologiach cyfrowych
- Zaletach wyboru odpowiedniego partnera B/OSS
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Umów się na bezpłatne spotkanie z jednym z naszych Ekspertów
Ethan Lawlor
Head of Business Development UK/I
w Enxoo
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