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“ENXOO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY is implementing the project: “Strengthening Enxoo’s Export Strategy: Development Plan for Foreign Markets” co-financed by the European Union under the European Funds for a Modern Economy program.
Project objective: The project aims to strengthen Enxoo’s export potential through participation in international economic missions and exhibitions at one trade fair, as well as promoting these activities through online channels. As part of the project, Enxoo plans active participation in outbound economic missions combined with attending trade fairs and conferences, as well as organizing an exhibition booth at one industry event. Focusing on international expansion, Enxoo has identified target markets: the USA, the United Kingdom and Ireland, the United Arab Emirates (especially Dubai), the EU (including Germany, Denmark, Spain), and South Africa (Johannesburg, and Cape Town), where it plans to promote its innovative telecommunications solutions through outbound missions, trade fair exhibitions, and the development and execution of online marketing activities, including online campaigns. Additionally, the preparation of high-quality digital promotional materials is planned for use in connection with the scheduled trade events.
Expected outcomes: The project will help achieve results such as: increased brand visibility, expansion of the business network, international promotion, signing of new contracts, and increased sales.
Total project value: 839,827.98 PLN
EU project funding: 401,120.47 PLN”
Foreign promotion of the Enxoo brand and the Enxoo Industry Cloud toolkit based on Salesforce, as part of sub-measure 3.3.3: SUPPORT FOR SME IN THE PROMOTION OF PRODUCT BRANDS – GO TO BRAND of the Smart Growth Operational Program co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
The subject of the project is the promotion of the Enxoo brand and the Enxoo Industry Cloud toolkit based on Salesforce, which took place as part of the IT/ICT industry promotion program. The applicant will operate on the following prospective markets: Singapore, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America. The scope of the project included the following activities: organization and participation in 26 field missions that will take place in Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, USA, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, France, Ireland and the Netherlands, organization and participation in 3 incoming missions for foreign contractors, organized in the territory of the Republic of Poland, participation in the fair in Hannover, carrying out promotional activities, such as: production of advertising gadgets and printed materials and promotion on AppExchange, LinkedIn and Google. The implementation of the project was financed from the Applicant’s own funds and a grant obtained under the Go to Brand project.
Project goals: The applicant has achieved the following goals as part of the project:
increase in sales from export of products covered by the project (PLN 1,400,000), increased recognition of the Enxoo brand and the Enxoo Industry Cloud toolkit on foreign markets and increased recognition of the Polish Economy Brand, conclusion of seven new commercial contracts on foreign markets.
The goals achieved as a result of the project had a positive impact on the export activity of the Applicant and allowed for further development of the Applicant’s company. The increase in sales revenues allowed for further activities related to the acquisition of new contractors in foreign markets. The applicant had the opportunity to learn about the expectations of recipients (current, new, and potential) of the Enxoo Industry Cloud toolkit and implement new solutions based on them.
Project value: PLN 397,000.00 (three hundred ninety-seven thousand zlotys 00/100 groszy)
ERDF contribution: PLN 297,750.00 (two hundred ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty zlotys 00/100 groszy)